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Tag Archives: Huawei switch

protecting STP on Huawei switches

As a continuation of the STP Root Protection feature I want to describe additional STP protection functions and show you, where these functions should be implemented, in a typical campus LAN environment.

BPDU Protection feature can be used to protect switches against STP BPDU attacks. It should be implemented on every switch, which has ports directly connected to end-user workstations. This is because we do not expect receiving STP BPDU from user workstations. When STP BPDUs are received on the edge port, STP topology recalculation occurs, causing network flapping. If the port is configured with BPDU Protection and the switching device receives STP BPDUs, then the port is placed into shutdown state, protecting STP topology from recalculation. By default BPDU Protection feature is disabled on Huawei switches. To enable it:

[labnario_sw]interface Ethernet 0/0/1
[labnario_sw-Ethernet0/0/1]stp edged-port enable 
[labnario_sw]stp bpdu-protection

When a switch port is configured as a STP Edged and STP BPDU is received, the port is placed into shutdown state:

May 13 2013 20:17:00-08:00 labnario_sw%%01MSTP/4/BPDU_PROTECTION(l)[4]:This edged-port Ethernet0/0/1 that enabled BPDU-Protection will be shutdown, because it received BPDU packet!
[labnario_sw-Ethernet0/0/1]dis cur int e0/0/1
interface Ethernet0/0/1
 stp edged-port enable

[labnario_sw-Ethernet0/0/1]dis int eth0/0/1
Ethernet0/0/1 current state : Administratively DOWN
Line protocol current state : DOWN

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STP attack and Root Protection feature on Huawei switches

Spanning Tree protocol is a loop prevention mechanism in a bridged LAN. Every STP topology has its own root bridge, which determines how STP topology is calculated. The role of the root bridge is to act as a reference point in the network, so that all other switches can determine, how far each of their ports is from the root bridge. The port, which has the lowest path cost, is placed into a forwarding state. All other ports, that can lead to the root bridge, are blocked. Ports in the switching topology, which lead away from the Root Bridge, remain forwarding. You can recall STP operations reading the following article: “Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol on Huawei switch“.

How does the root bridge election process work?

The root bridge for each STP instance is determined by the bridge ID. The bridge ID consists of a configurable bridge priority and the MAC address of the bridge:

[Huawei]display stp
-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------
CIST Bridge         :32768.4c1f-ccd4-1c03

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from Huawei CLI – lock and send

Today a few words about 2 simple but useful commands: lock and send.

LOCK – prevents unauthorized users from operating on the current terminal interface

SEND – enables the system to transfer messages between user interfaces

Let’s look how they work on Huawei S5700 switch.

Enter Password:
Confirm Password:

 Info: The terminal is locked. 

Enter Password:


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equivalent of Cisco Private Vlan —> Huawei MUX Vlan

Do you know the Private VLAN feature from Cisco switches? The same feature exists on Huawei switches and is called the MUX VLAN.

How does this feature work?

MUX VLAN allows isolating Layer2 traffic of different interfaces in the same VLAN, and still allowing access to common resources.

Look at the topology below. Let’s assume that we want to configure our labnariosw switch, so that:

  • hosts in VLAN10 should be able to ping each other and ping server in VLAN30
  • hosts in VLAN20 should be able to ping server in VLAN30 but not each other
  • hosts in VLAN10 should not be able to ping hosts in VLAN20.

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Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol on Huawei switch

The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) was originally defined as the IEEE 802.1s standard protocol. Now the standard IEEE 802.1Q-2005 includes MSTP. The basic role of this protocol is to prevent L2 loops. I do not want to explain MSTP in details, as this can be easily found on the Internet. I just want to show you:

  • how to configure this protocol using Huawei CLI
  • how to load balance traffic over redundant links.

Let’s assume that we have the following physical topology:

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