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Tag Archives: CX600

from Huawei CLI – upgrade rollback …

As I am in the process of upgrading Huawei ATN950B routers, I decided to describe very useful command, supported by carrier class routers like NE40E, CX600 and ATN950B – “upgrade rollback enable rollback-timer time”

When you are doing upgrade, there is always a small risk that something goes wrong and you will lose this router, I mean it will fall out of management. To minimize such risk, you can use the command in question.

Let’s look at the upgrade procedure:

<labnario>startup system-software
Info: Succeeded in setting the software for booting system.
<labnario>startup system-software slave-board
Info: Succeeded in setting the software for booting system.

<labnario>startup patch v200r002sph008.pat
Info: Succeeded in setting main board resource file for system.
<labnario>startup patch v200r002sph008.pat slave-board
Info: Succeeded in setting slave board resource file for system.

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from Huawei CLI – check …

Very useful command, especially when you are preparing and executing upgrade of a software of Huawei carrier class devices, like NE40E and CX600. Let’s look what can be checked by this command:

<labnario>check ?
  hardware-compatibility  hardware compatibility
  startup                 Check the version of the resource file
  system-software         system-software
  version                 check version

I personally use “check hardware-compatibility” before all planned upgrades. During a preparation phase of an upgrade, you have to read software release notes, to be sure that all software and hardware components will be compatible with the new software. You can check hardware compatibility by the command, instead of searching software documents.

Imagine that you’ve just uploaded a new software to CFcard of a router. The new software is v600r006c00spc300.

<labnario>check hardware-compatibility
Slot#    BoardType        Result           Detail
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3        CR57LAXFB00      Compatible       NA
4        CR57LAXFB00      Compatible       NA
5        CR57EMGFB20      Compatible       NA
6        CR57EMGFB20      Compatible       NA
9        CR57SRU200A5     Compatible       NA
10       CR57SRU200A5     Compatible       NA
11       CR57SFU200C0     Compatible       NA
12       FRA200A          Compatible       NA
13       FRA200A          Compatible       NA

It’s very simple, isn’t it?

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new options in display elabel command

Some time ago I described how to display electronic labels. As you probably could see, the displayed information looked illegibly, especially for budding engineers.

Starting from V6R6 software of carrier class devices (like Huawei NE40E, CX600), it looks much better. You have all the information at a glance:

<labnario>display elabel brief
Slot     BoardType    BarCode                 Description
LPU 1    CR52LPUF40A  030KWD10AB000351        LPUF-40-A
  PIC 0  CR52L2XXN0   03675210A9000134        P40-2x10GBase LAN/WAN-XFP
  PIC 1  CR52L2XXN0   03675210A9000115        P40-2x10GBase LAN/WAN-XFP
LPU 2    CR52LPUF40A  030KWD10B7000867        LPUF-40-A
  PIC 0  CR52L2XXN0   03675210B7001018        P40-2x10GBase LAN/WAN-XFP
  PIC 1  CR52L2XXN0   03675210B7001188        P40-2x10GBase LAN/WAN-XFP
LPU 3    CR52LPUKD0   030KJY10A8000126        LPUF-21-A
  PIC 0  CR52L1XX0    030GSK10A9002012
  PIC 1  CR52L1XX0    030GSK10B7001228
LPU 7    CR52LPUKD0   030KJY10B1000383        LPUF-21-A
  PIC 0  CR52L1XX0    030GSK10A2001595
  PIC 1  CR52EBGF0    030GSH10B1000971
LPU 8    CR52LPUKD0   030KJY10CC001471        LPUF-21-A
  PIC 0  CR52L1XX0    030GSK10A2001005
  PIC 1  CR52EBGF0    030GSH10B1000795
MPU 9    CR57SRU40A4  030KSR10AA000258        SRUA4-40
MPU 10   CR57SRU40A4  030KSR10AA000175        SRUA4-40
SFU 11   CR57SFU40C0  030KSY10A9000472        SFUI-40-C
SFU 12
SFU 13

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how to solve a problem of hanging alarms in Huawei U2000

Let’s assume that you have U2000 NMS server to monitor Huawei devices. We can manage these devices in 2 ways: outband or inband management. Outband management means that you have a separate DCN network to manage devices. It is commonly used for critical nodes, for example for backbone routers. Unlike to backbone network, it is difficult to implement DCN for mobile backhaul networks, where the number of devices reaches hundreds or even thousands. In such situation inband management is implemented to reduce cost. Then the decision how to send SNMP packets to the NMS server is based on routing protocols. The packets travel through the monitored network and are susceptible to all turbulences, which can appear in the network. This may lead to the fact that some SNMP packets may be lost by the network.

Let’s imagine such case. A link between a router and NMS is “DOWN”. No redundant link is established. The router sends SNMP trap to the NMS server but the server is not available. The SNMP packet is lost. Then the link is going to “UP” state and the router send SNMP trap to U2000. This trap is then dropped by U2000 because there is not related “DOWN” trap, which was lost before.

And what’s next?

U2000 synchronizes alarms with devices every 30 minutes and NMS server receives “DOWN” trap from the router, which was lost earlier. As the clearing trap was dropped, this “DOWN” alarm will not be cleared anymore. Then we have “DOWN” hanging (not cleared) alarm in U2000.

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how to activate 10GE on CX600-X1-X2 platform

And after the holidays …

We can bring up a subject of 10GE interfaces on Huawei CX600-X1-X2 platform. The short subject but can be useful.

Let’s imagine that you have NPUI board installed on the router:

<CX600>display elabel 1

Description=CX600,CX67NPUI20,Network Processing Unit Integrated with 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-XFP

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