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file system of Huawei NE40E

How to manage storage devices, directories and files on Huawei’s equipment?

I will try to introduce the file system based on NE40E routers.

NE40E, as most of carrier class Huawei’s devices, has two MPU boards. Each board is equipped with two CFcards. The first CFcard, inside the board, is used for storing software and configuration’s files. The second one, at the front panel of the board, stores log files. Some of Huawei’s devices use flash memory to store all necessary files.

The file system manages files and directories in the storage device by creating, deleting, modifying, renaming files or directories and displaying contents of the files.

Let’s do an example:

  1. Create labnario and huawei directories in CFcard.
  2. Copy log.log file from CFcard2 to labnario directory.
  3. Display this file.
  4. Rename this file with old_log.log.
  5. Compress it.
  6. Move file to huawei directory of the same CFcard.
  7. Delete this file from huawei directory.
  8. Restore the deleted file.
  9. Delete this file permanently.
  10. Delete huawei directory.

Display files stored in CFcard:

Directory of cfcard:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  -rw-              0  Aug 08 2011 14:47:00   snmpnotilog.txt
    1  -rw-    247,575,224  Aug 08 2011 14:55:58
    2  -rw-     37,289,817  Aug 08 2011 14:57:20   patch-v6r1spc020.pat
    3  -rw-         14,725  Sep 16 2011 11:02:28   license.txt
    4  -rw-         86,875  Sep 16 2011 11:03:10   paf.txt
    5  -rw-              0  Oct 18 2011 14:57:34   vrpcfg.cfg

Create two directories:

<NE40E>mkdir cfcard:/labnario
Info: Create directory cfcard:/labnario......Done.
<NE40E>mkdir cfcard:/huawei
Info: Create directory cfcard:/huawei......Done.

Directory of cfcard:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  drw-              -  Apr 30 2012 14:48:18   labnario
    1  drw-              -  Apr 30 2012 14:51:08   huawei
    2  -rw-              0  Aug 08 2011 14:47:00   snmpnotilog.txt
    3  -rw-    247,575,224  Aug 08 2011 14:55:58
    4  -rw-     37,289,817  Aug 08 2011 14:57:20   patch-v6r1spc020.pat
    5  -rw-         14,725  Sep 16 2011 11:02:28   license.txt
    6  -rw-         86,875  Sep 16 2011 11:03:10   paf.txt
    7  -rw-              0  Oct 18 2011 14:57:34   vrpcfg.cfg

Copy log.log file from CFcard2 to labnario directory of CFcard:

<NE40E>copy cfcard2:/log/log.log cfcard:/labnario
Copy cfcard2:/log/log.log to cfcard:/labnario/log.log?[Y/N]:y
Info: Copied file cfcard2:/log/log.log to cfcard:/labnario/log.log...Done.
<NE40E>cd labnario

Directory of cfcard:/labnario/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  -rw-        588,992  Apr 30 2012 14:46:50   log.log

1,022,848 KB total (414,016 KB free)

Rename this file:

<NE40E>rename cfcard:/labnario/log.log cfcard:/labnario/old_log.log
Rename cfcard:/labnario/log.log to cfcard:/labnario/old_log.log ?[Y/N]:y
Info: Rename file cfcard:/labnario/log.log to cfcard:/labnario/old_log.log ......Done.

Directory of cfcard:/labnario/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  -rw-        588,992  Apr 30 2012 14:46:50   old_log.log

1,022,848 KB total (414,016 KB free)

Display old_log.log file:

<NE40E>more old_log.log 

#Automatic record log end,current health information as follows:
Slot                    CPU Usage     Memory Usage (Used/Total)
9       MPU(System Master) 11%           19%  361MB/1877MB
1       LPU                12%           40%  130MB/319MB
2       LPU                11%           45%  145MB/319MB
3       LPU                11%           45%  145MB/319MB
10      MPU                 7%           17%  320MB/1877MB
#DateTime Stamp: 2012-01-25 10:15:27.100

Jan 25 2012 10:25:05 NE40E SRM_BASE/1/ENTITYINSERT: OID Physical entity is inserted. (EntityPhysicalIndex=16842767, BaseTrapSeverity=4, BaseTrapProbableCause=65541, BaseTrapEventType=5, EntPhysicalContainedIn=16842757, EntPhysicalName="GigabitEthernet1/0/9")
Jan 25 2012 10:25:06 NE40E %%01PHY/4/PHY_SFP_XFP_OK(l)[2082]:Slot=1;GigabitEthernet1/0/9 SFP/XFP is present.
Jan 25 2012 10:27:14 NE40E %%01SRM/2/NODEFAULT(l)[2083]:Slot=1;PIC0 of LPU1 is failed, perhaps Low Rx Pow ALM of SFP9 ALARM is abnormal. (Reason="EAGF0 ESFP RX power low alarm, Current Rxpower is -40.00dBm. ")
Jan 25 2012 10:29:55 NE40E %%01SRM/2/NODERESUME(l)[2084]:Slot=2;OTHER of LPU2: branch 2 of 48vPOWER resumed.
Jan 25 2012 10:29:56 NE40E %%01SRM/2/NODEFAULT(l)[2085]:Slot=2;OTHER of LPU2 is failed, perhaps branch 2 of 48vPOWER is abnormal. (Reason="second branch abnormal")
Jan 25 2012 10:29:57 NE40E %%01SRM/2/NODERESUME(l)[2086]:Slot=2;OTHER of LPU2: branch 2 of 48vPOWER resumed.

Compress this file:

<NE40E>zip cfcard:/labnario/old_log.log cfcard:/labnario/
Compress cfcard:/labnario/old_log.log  to cfcard:/labnario/[Y/N]:y
%Compressed file cfcard:/labnario/old_log.log cfcard:/labnario/

Directory of cfcard:/labnario/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  -rw-        588,992  Apr 30 2012 14:46:50   old_log.log
    1  -rw-         47,918  Apr 30 2012 14:48:20

1,022,848 KB total (413,968 KB free)

Move the zipped file to huawei directory:

<NE40E>move cfcard:/labnario/ cfcard:/huawei
Move cfcard:/labnario/ to cfcard:/huawei/ ?[Y/N]:y
%Moved file cfcard:/labnario/ to cfcard:/huawei/

Directory of cfcard:/labnario/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  -rw-        588,992  Apr 30 2012 14:46:50   old_log.log

1,022,848 KB total (413,952 KB free)

<NE40E>cd cfcard:/huawei
Directory of cfcard:/huawei/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  -rw-         47,918  Apr 30 2012 14:48:20

1,022,848 KB total (413,952 KB free)

Delete this file from huawei directory (actually move to recycle bin):

Delete cfcard:/huawei/[Y/N]:y
Info: Deleting file cfcard:/huawei/

<NE40E>dir /all
Directory of *

    0  -rw-         47,918  Apr 30 2012 14:48:18  []

1,022,848 KB total (413,936 KB free)

Info: File can't be found in the directory.
1,022,848 KB total (413,936 KB free)

Restore the deleted file from recycle bin:

Undelete cfcard:/huawei/[Y/N]:y
%Undeleted file cfcard:/huawei/

Directory of cfcard:/huawei/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time(LMT)  FileName 
    0  -rw-         47,918  Apr 30 2012 14:48:20

1,022,848 KB total (413,936 KB free)

Delete this file permanently:

<NE40E>delete /unreserved 
Warning: The contents of file cfcard:/huawei/ cannot be recycled. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Info: Deleting file cfcard:/huawei/

How to make recycle-bin empty go to “reset recycle-bin”.

Delete huawei directory:

<NE40E>cd cfcard:
<NE40E>rmdir cfcard:/huawei
Remove directory cfcard:/huawei?[Y/N]:y
%Removing directory cfcard:/huawei...Done!

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