About the Author

My name is
Mariusz Stola HCIE #18602 Datacom. I have had more than 20 years of professional experience in
IP and
IT fields, 3 years in
Orange, almost 12 years in
Huawei. Currently I keep using my experience as a Senior IP/MPLS Engineer for Polish Research Insitute
NASK. I am proud to implement a nationwide educational network
OSE for all schools in Poland. You can reach me using
Huawei from Scratch community. Let’s build the community of
Huawei geeks!
The opinions expressed in individaul articles and blog posts are entirely the author’s opinions. There is absolutely no assurance (apart from author’s professional integrity) that any statement contained in a post is true, correct or precise. Even if a statement made in the post is accurate, it may only be accurate in the contect of a specific release running on specific hardware platform.