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Tag Archives: Huawei S3300

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) on Huawei S3300

The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is an layer 2 discovery protocol defined in the IEEE 802.1ab. How does it work? The LLDP protocol collects information about local interfaces, sends this information to neighbours, and receives information from the neighbours as well. In short, when the LLDP protocol runs on devices, the NMS can obtain the Layer 2 information about all the devices it connects and the detailed network topology. It does it by searching the layer 2 information in Management Information Base (MIB). NMS uses LLDP management address to identify the device. Trap message is triggered in case when local management address is changed, LLDP is enabled or disabled globally and there are changes on neighbouring devices.

Lets try to configure LLDP based on the following topology:

First of all configure SNMP trap for LLDP:

[Switch]snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldptrap

[Quidway]dis snmp-agent tr feature-name lldptrap all
Feature name: LLDPTRAP                      
Trap number : 4         
Trap name                       Default switch status   Current switch status 
lldpRemTablesChange             on                      on                  
hwLldpEnabled                   on                      on                  
hwLldpDisabled                  on                      on                  
hwLldpLocManIPAddrChange        on                      on

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how to display power of optical module

Let’s take Huawei’s S3328TP-SI switch as an example. This switch has 2 combo ports, which can be changed either to optical or electrical mode.

[Quidway]display elabel
[Board Properties]
Description=Quidway S3328TP-SI,CX5Z228AM,S3328TP-SI Mainframe(24 10/100 BASE-T ports and 2 Combo GE(10/100/1000 BASE-T+100/1000 Base-X) ports and 2 SFP GE (1000 BASE-X) ports (SFP Req.) and AC 110/220V)

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how to configure multiple interfaces at the same time

This is an useful feature, specially if we want to configure Huawei’s switch, where there are lots of physical interfaces. Very often, some of interfaces have the same configuration. Instead of configure the interfaces one by one it is easier to configure multiple interfaces at the same time. It improves the efficiency.

Let’s assume that you want to add 5 GE interfaces to VLAN 100:

[labnario]port-group labnario
[labnario-port-group-labnario]group-member GigabitEthernet 0/0/1 to GigabitEthernet 0/0/5
[labnario-port-group-labnario]port link-type access
[labnario-port-group-labnario]port default vlan 100

[labnario]dis cur | beg port-group
port-group labnario
 group-member GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 group-member GigabitEthernet0/0/2
 group-member GigabitEthernet0/0/3
 group-member GigabitEthernet0/0/4
 group-member GigabitEthernet0/0/5

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from Huawei CLI – output modifiers

I decided to spend my vacation without access to internet, only wife, children, beach and windsurfing. I succeeded, September 3rd was the first day, after 3 weeks of my vacation, when I opened my mail box. Sorry for the delay in replying for your emails.

Last time I was asked about a procedure how to upload files through console port. The procedure is simple and I will try to show it in this post. Taking Huawei’s S3300 switch as an example I will show you how to upload file through console port, upgrading bootrom at the same time. Notice that uploading files by console is very slow and it is better to use it only for small files, unless you do not have any other choice.

Please use HyperTerminal to upload files by console port.

Power on the switch and enter into bootrom mode by pressing CTRL+B (default password huawei):


Copyright (c) 2008-2010 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD.
(Ver329, Aug 17 2010, 02:01:19)
Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOTROM menu ... 2


1. Boot with default mode
2. Enter serial submenu
3. Enter startup submenu
4. Enter ethernet submenu
5. Enter filesystem submenu
6. Modify BOOTROM password
7. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-7): 2

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disabling Huawei S3300 notification record

In this post I will show you how to disable a notification record which appears always after you type a configuration command. This notification causes your frustration when you want to configure anything on this switch and suddenly you see the following record:

[labnario]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
Jan  1 2008 00:24:47+01:00 labnario DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID configurations have been changed. The current change number is 24, the change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

You have such situation on Huawei S2300, S3300 and S5300 switches if you are logged by the console.

How to cope with it?

You have two ways to do this. The first is to disable it temporarily by the following commands:

<labnario>undo terminal monitor


<labnario>undo terminal trapping

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