Sunday , December 22 2024

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) on Huawei S3300

The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is an layer 2 discovery protocol defined in the IEEE 802.1ab. How does it work? The LLDP protocol collects information about local interfaces, sends this information to neighbours, and receives information from the neighbours as well. In short, when the LLDP protocol runs on devices, the NMS can obtain the Layer 2 information about all the devices it connects and the detailed network topology. It does it by searching the layer 2 information in Management Information Base (MIB). NMS uses LLDP management address to identify the device. Trap message is triggered in case when local management address is changed, LLDP is enabled or disabled globally and there are changes on neighbouring devices.

Lets try to configure LLDP based on the following topology:

First of all configure SNMP trap for LLDP:

[Switch]snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldptrap

[Quidway]dis snmp-agent tr feature-name lldptrap all
Feature name: LLDPTRAP                      
Trap number : 4         
Trap name                       Default switch status   Current switch status 
lldpRemTablesChange             on                      on                  
hwLldpEnabled                   on                      on                  
hwLldpDisabled                  on                      on                  
hwLldpLocManIPAddrChange        on                      on

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VLAN, trunk, VLANIF (SVI) on Huawei switch

Today I want to show you:

  • How to configure VLANs
  • How to add interface to a VLAN
  • How to establish 802.1q trunk between two Ethernet switches and filter VLANs
  • How to configure VLANIF (VLAN interface or simply SVI).

Look at the following topology:

Let’s assume that we want to configure two switches, which are connected via Ethernet link. Both switches have PCs connected to them. We want to allow PC101 to be able to reach PC102 and PC201 to be able to reach PC202.To do so, we need to add two different VLANs, configure Ethernet Trunk between switches and add PCs to the correct VLAN.

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how to display power of optical module

Let’s take Huawei’s S3328TP-SI switch as an example. This switch has 2 combo ports, which can be changed either to optical or electrical mode.

[Quidway]display elabel
[Board Properties]
Description=Quidway S3328TP-SI,CX5Z228AM,S3328TP-SI Mainframe(24 10/100 BASE-T ports and 2 Combo GE(10/100/1000 BASE-T+100/1000 Base-X) ports and 2 SFP GE (1000 BASE-X) ports (SFP Req.) and AC 110/220V)

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how to check the default configuration of switch’s interface

When taking into consideration that default settings are invisible in a configuration file, it is a good information that Huawei’s S3700/S5700 switches have such possibility to display default settings for ethernet interfaces. The ‘display this include-default’ command displays the effective configurations in the current view, including the unchanged default configurations.

[labnario-Ethernet0/0/1]display this include-default 
interface Ethernet0/0/1
 undo shutdown
 enable snmp trap updown
 undo set flow-stat interval
 undo qinq vlan-translation enable
 undo mac-address learning disable
 port priority 0
 port link-type hybrid
 port hybrid pvid vlan 1
 port hybrid untagged vlan 1
 qinq protocol 8100
 undo loopback-detect enable
 stp enable
 undo stp config-digest-snoop
 undo stp no-agreement-check
 undo stp root-protection
 undo stp loop-protection
 stp transmit-limit 147
 stp point-to-point auto
 stp compliance auto

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basic NTP configuration on Huawei devices

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is one of the oldest Internet protocols. It is used for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched data networks.  Because it was designed to operate in variable-latency environment, NTP can achieve up to 1 millisecond accuracy in local area networks and tens of milliseconds when running over the Internet. NTP can be a very useful tool especially, when we want to correlate issues during network failures.

It is important to remember that NTP uses hierarchical system of levels of clock sources, which is called a stratum.

At the top of this hierarchy we have a stratum-0 devices, which act as a reference clocks. These are usually atomic clocks which has little or no delay associated with it. The reference clock typically synchronizes to the correct time (UTC) using GPS, Irig-B, etc.

Devices which are directly connected (usually via RS-232, not over a network path) to the stratum-0 servers are called stratum-1 servers. Stratum-2 server is connected to the stratum-1 server over a network path. Thus, a stratum-2 server gets its time via NTP protocol from a stratum-1 server. A stratum-3 server gets its time via NTP from stratum-2 server, and so on.

So the stratum level simply defines its distance from the reference clock.

How to configure NTP on Huawei devices?

Look at the lab topology:

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