Saturday , July 27 2024
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welcome to new labnario

As you can see this post so probably new DNS servers started working correctly.

What’s new here on labnario?

In addition to a new look, a technical forum has been published. You can write your questions, describe technical problems or just talk about everything and nothing in Hyde Park category. It depends on you if this forum meets its goal. I wouldn’t like to close it due to a little activity. As I see, such a fate befalls most technical forums on the internet. I count on your activity here on the forum. Let’s build a forum of which we can be proud of.

I’m still working to properly assign links on the blog. Most of links direct you to the old blog. It will be changed ASAP.

As it was not possible to move all posts from the old blog automatically, I had to do this manually. That’s why there is a significant probability of mistakes. If you find them, just let me know.

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Huawei eNSP – news

Modified features:

  • Fixed incorrect VRRP state of Switch while using MD5 authentication mode.
  • Fixed loopback detection problem of Switch.
  • Fixed IPSEC issue of AR while using ah-esp or esp protocol if no authentication mode is on.
  • Fixed policy router+NAT issue of AR.
  • Enhanced eNSP Client stability.

A new Huawei eNSP has been released:


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Huawei eNSP – news

A new version of Huawei network simulation platform has been released. The new eNSP supports AC6605 POE feature. Besides that a few bugs have been solved, among other firewall crashed (often reported) problem when running on Win8 and Win8.1.

Just click on the picture and download it:


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how to change the size of the history command buffer

I spent last week skiing in Polish winter capital – Zakopane. You probably noticed that I didn’t post any new article but weather was wonderful and I had no motivation to turn on my notebook ;).

As plenty of things, after my vacation, keeping me busy, today a short post about command buffer size.

By default the size of the history command buffer is 10. This means that last 10 commands entered by the user can be stored on the memory and repeated using the CLI “↑” key. The range of the command buffer can be tuned and its range is 0 to 256.

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indoor and outdoor Huawei ATN905

As you know I try to avoid products descriptions here, on this blog. But last time I had possibility to see ATN905 boxes, available in the indoor and outdoor types. You can install them in various environment. The application scenarios of ATN905 are divided into the small-cell base station bearer scenario and the Ethernet demarcation device (EDD) scenario.

Let’s look at the pictures of the two types of this router:

Indoor ATN905 picture

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